In the comments section of the previous post, "retro_liberal" asked me why I have an axe to grind against the douchebag pictured to the right.
It's a fair question to ask, but one that I can't answer directly with specifics without divulging clues as to my identity.
So in lieu of listing my specific grievances against Ric Ric, I will list a set of adjectives describing Ric Ric so you can fill in the blanks for yourself. Think of it as stream-of-consciousness game, if you will. Here goes:
Arrogant. Pompous. Tedious. Self-Important. Duplicitous. Guileful. Hypocritical. Condescending. Dilettante. Cowardly. Untrustworthy. Manipulative. Annoying. Passive-Aggressive. MEDIOCRE.
This is a good start, but I'm sure it's not exhaustive. If I have left anything out that anyone else can think of, please feel free to add your own Ricky Ric-specific adjectives in the comments section. Mnnyyaaaahaa?